Thank you for visiting! This is my personal archive where I post all of my written work, including things crossposted from my AO3. If you want to support me there as well, it would be greatly appreciated! There will be a link to my AO3 once the page for my external links is ready.
Each individual work will also have a link to its post on AO3 if it has one, and it would help me out a lot if you clicked on it to leave a kudos if you enjoyed it! You can also leave comments either here or there if you want. I'm awkward about responding to comments, but I promise I do read and appreciate them!
Most of this is still under construction and it will take a while to put everything together. I'm still learning HTML and CSS, so please be patient!
Until then, have fun browsing. (:
Check out my friends' sites too (: (: (:

Site Stats:
3 Works | 3 pages | 6,657 words